Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why Plan?

I was at a meeting this morning of 30+ business owners.  The presenter asked who in the group had a sales and marketing plan.  Other than me, I think one maybe two other people raised their hand and I'm being generous in that statement.

How many people plan their vacations?  I think more people would have raised their hand if that had been the question.  Why do we spend more time planning one to two weeks of our year than we do for the remainder of the year?  Isn't our family's livelihood more important than that?

Planning helps you:
  1. Achieve your goals.
  2. Know whether or not you are accomplishing what you set out to do.
  3. Establishes clear direction for your activities.
  4. Increases your chance for success.
  5. Actually reduces the amount of time spent on any given activity.

If you are presented with the opportunity to answer the question "Do you have a plan?"  - be sure you can say YES!

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